Spring Update
Posted on March 13 2019
We held our first Charity Knitting group meeting at St Peter's Church in the centre of Harrogate at the end of February and I am delighted to say that I was not sitting in splendid isolation. We had 14 lovely ladies join us for a 'knit and natter' session and the time passed far too quickly. Our next session is Monday March 25th and subsequent dates will be available on our website so if you are in the area then we would love you to join us. Alternatively, if you would like to contribute by knitting something for one of the charities then please take a look at some suggestions on our Charity page.
I have been meaning to have a bit of a clear out for some time and have very slowly started to rummage through the house to see what needs to be thrown out and what can be recycled or given to charity. Whilst going through the various cupboards I came across this V-neck slipover knitted by my mother in the early days of dating my father. Like many of their generation, they stayed married but it was not always plain sailing. However, my father worshipped my mother throughout their sixty years together and died 3 months after she passed away. Looking at this piece made by my mother when she was just 18, knitted in 2 ply and incredibly neat, even on the reverse, made me understand why my father had kept it all those years despite the evidence of wear-and-tear together with various moth holes. He had kept it carefully wrapped in tissue paper and in the words of Marie Kondo it clearly 'sparked joy' for my father and was a reminder of those early years together.

As usual, I currently have lots of projects on the go and I have just added another to the pile. Whilst wearing one of Alison Ellen's designs that I had knitted, I remembered how much fun it was to make and so I am attempting another. Both designs come from her book 'Knitting: Colour, Structure and Design'.
Despite the glorious week we experienced in February, we are now back to the more usual weather for this time of year comprising wind and rain. However, the arrival of snowdrops, daffodils and crocuses and the longer daylight hours are all sure signs that spring is on its way. If you are thinking about some new projects using light weight summer yarns then take a look at our 'kits'. I can recommend Porcelain, Jampa, Haiku, Ravello, Caravan and Footloose as lovely, stylish knits which are great additions to any spring/summer wardrobe.
I came across a blog this week by Amanda Schwabe with some handy tips which I thought you might enjoy.